Thai food octopus salad

Thai Food octopus salad

Food Ingredients

300 g fresh squid
Celery, cut into two pieces early
1 tablespoon shredded carrots
2 lettuce leaves early.
Onion, sliced ​​1 head
Hot chilli 1 tablespoon
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon sugarmethod1. Remove the membrane black squid to wash, use a knife to cut off the pattern is cut into pieces and mixed with cassava flour over. Leave for 5 minutes2. Subsequently, the octopus to rinse out the starch out. Bring to a boil, boiled in water, put cooked dry sieve and leave to dry. This is a technique to make the octopus and crispy and not too fishy.3. Prepare salad by mixing fish sauce, lime juice, sugar water mixed with squid salad. Add onion, carrot, celery, paprika pound to mix together well. Arrange on a plate with lettuce hurry Ronde immediately leave it to absorb water squid salad makes a delicious taste will not be dull..........

Thai food octopus salad Thai food octopus salad Reviewed by Gang on 7:14 AM Rating: 5
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