Thai food sweet pork

Thai food sweet pork


           Pork belly meat (brisket) 1 kg
           1 tablespoon sugar
           2 tablespoons brown sugar
           2 tablespoons fish sauce
           Palm oil (for frying)
1. Remove the pork belly was cut out (Tip: to make the hard, tough and chewy pork and sweet, not too hard).
2. Cut the pork into pieces about 1-2 inches thick.
3. Fry the sliced ​​pork meat with high heat until golden brown. It takes about 30 minutes, then scoop up the oil to drain.
4. Heat oil in a wok another. (Or pan and pour the old oil left), set over low heat and add the pork fried them down.
5. As with sugar and fish sauce. Stir until sugar is dissolved (Tip: while chewing the carpet a little water to the pan. Pork so soft and not stiff).
6. When sugar dissolves, then add sugar to it. Stir until sugar dissolves and pig meat.
7. Turn off the power, then stir again to mix sugar glazed pork. And leave the room for a moment to set a good mixture.
8. sweet pork to a plate and serve
Thai food sweet pork Thai food sweet pork Reviewed by Gang on 5:52 PM Rating: 5
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