Thai food stewed eggs

Thai food stewed eggs


          Boiled eggs (egg into the water, then bring to a boil for about 9-10 minutes.
          Like meat (Chicken or pork as well).
          Tofu (cut into pieces).
          Spices including anise and cinnamon, two bars and two flowers.
          Condiments and sauces, sugar, soy powder, and black people.
          Little vegetable oil


          1. Heat a little vegetable oil into the pot to low heat and stir to put stewed smell of stewed onions slightly.

          2. Add meat and stir well with a fragrance. (In the chicken wing recipes).

          3. Add enough water to cover. Bring to a boil over medium heat until the chicken is cooked, spoon, leaving bubbles (bubble caused boiled chicken).

          4. Season with condiments (sauces, sugar, soy powder, and black people) taste like.

          5. Add the eggs to boil down Reduce the medium - soft Heat and leave to cook meat more tender.

          6. Turn off the lights before going to taste again. If the fire for a long time to make the taste more salty than the first season. If possible, add water, add salt.

          7. When you taste as you like. Add tofu to turn off the lights.
Thai food stewed eggs Thai food stewed eggs Reviewed by Gang on 5:17 PM Rating: 5
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